Thursday, February 4, 2010

Four Weeks from Today, I'll be 50

And that's enough about that.

But here's something exciting--tonight, Dick and I are going to our first "PechaKucha" in Kansas City. I KNOW! How fun will that be? Who knows, but I have high hopes. How can something with such a catchy name be anything but fun.

Here's what I do know about PechaKucha--it means chit-chat in Japanese. It was invented in Tokyo in 2003 as a way for young designers to meet, network and show their work to others
by showing twenty images in twenty seconds. The format is a way to keep presentations concise and interesting.

Concise and interesting presentations . . . hmmm. Ahhh, a girl can dream, can't she?

Anyhoo, you can read more about PechaKucha here at this website. You'll have to copy and put it in your browser window because I still don't know how to make it "clickable." I'm old. So sue me. This is the best I can do.

And you'd know how to pronounce it correctly, if I could have imported this video but, you can guess how well that went. Screw dat. So go to the following site where Sesame Street characters will show you how to pronounce "PechaKucha."

If you're interested, it starts at 7:30 at 1522 McGee and includes a presentation by a roller derby girl. I KNOW! And it's FREE! So come on, join the fun. Show up and look for us--we'll be the old, befuddled couple trying to look like we're never in our p.j.'s by 7:30 and we do cool stuff all the time.

P.S. If anyone can tell me how to shove a video in here, I will buy you a cup of coffee.
Maria, this means you.


  1. As long as you're sure this isn't some exotic swingers party you've been tricked into attending...

  2. i think those are only for young good-looking people. by the way, i love the "adventures of nosebleed girl."

  3. Ha ha ha. Renee-When you're writing your post, click that button that looks like a filmstrip. Sometimes it takes just FOREVER to upload. Next time you're over at Dink's, I'll show you how. Btw, I told Dick to take notes tonight. Hope you got in. :-)

  4. Maria, we DID get it. It was fantastic. Until we got tired. Well, the writer wasn't fantastic. I expected her to be good because I'd heard her before, but I was quite disappointed. Thanks for the tip to get there early. We got there an hour early, just in time to grab the last best seats. It was fun.
